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The ice well would have been used in tandem with the Icehouse, situated to the south of the main house. Ice, formed in the ditches around the Icehouse in winter, would be stored below ground for use in the summer. The ice could then be transferred to the ice well either for use or potentially to help lower the overall temperature of the cellars.
htmlText_9973481E_8AB7_9F37_41DC_2C3F75792E93.html =
The ice well would have been used in tandem with the Icehouse, situated to the south of the main house. Ice, formed in the ditches around the Icehouse in winter, would be stored below ground for use in the summer. The ice could then be transferred to the ice well either for use or potentially to help lower the overall temperature of the cellars.
htmlText_577867A4_41F3_087D_41C0_CAE6B901EFBF.html =
The ice well would have been used in tandem with the Icehouse, situated to the south of the main house. Ice, formed in the ditches around the Icehouse in winter, would be stored below ground for use in the summer. The ice could then be transferred to the ice well either for use or potentially to help lower the overall temperature of the cellars.
htmlText_9E5C2F65_8ABB_B115_41DB_76430C04FA4F.html =
These impressive slate bins would most likely have been used to store the wine collection used by the Berkeleys during their lavish parties. However, there is another use they might have been put to- growing mushrooms!
htmlText_9EC52353_8AAD_B10D_41DA_0D542848502E.html =
This statue once stood at the end of the canalised section of the Crane River which acted as the boating lake for the house. The cracking around the statue is the result of a fire which led to its almost complete destruction. Fortunately, it was restored and has found a new permanent home in the cellars.
htmlText_9997CEB1_8ABF_B30D_41E0_9228A8B8AEC6.html =
With a large fireplace, this room would have been a cosy office for the senior house staff. In the plaster on the northern wall of the room there is graffiti dating from the 18th century.
### Title window_9E5E5F64_8ABB_B10B_41D0_1D83D0DE3D1B.title = Slate wine bins window_9970B81E_8AB7_9F37_41E0_53B72189AC3D.title = The Ice well window_578617A3_41F3_087B_41CA_2FBB41EFD54D.title = The Ice well window_57A4D4FD_41FD_09CC_41C3_E1EC280CB3F8.title = The Ice well window_99951EB0_8ABF_B30B_41A7_2BC561223B77.title = The Office Room window_9EC5E352_8AAD_B10F_41B9_59C8E418181E.title = Venus and child statue ## Skin ### Multiline Text HTMLText_8441602D_8A75_8F15_41DF_6CACD5911DFC.html =
Cellar Chambers

Uneven floor surface in the central and southern chambers of the cellar
Low light throughout cellar
Low ceilings with metal fittings
Recommend wearing helmets when entering the cellar
HTMLText_F63F510C_E724_785D_41E5_965D0AD137EB.html =
Cellar Chambers

Video with loud soundtrack
HTMLText_855932EA_8A97_931F_41D4_CDB42A26E34C.html =

Uneven floor surface - cobbles

Loud voice over triggered by movement from the box along the southern wall
HTMLText_59F8BD8C_4C1E_22F3_41B1_798D8F6F186D.html =
"A Hidden Gem of History and Nature in Hillingdon"

Cranford Park, located in the London Borough of Hillingdon, is a 144-acre public park rich in history and natural beauty. Once the grounds of Cranford House, the estate served as the country home of the Earls of Berkeley for 300 years. Although the house was demolished in 1945, several historical features remain, including the 18th-century stable block and the medieval St. Dunstan's Church, which is mentioned in the Domesday Book.
## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = Cranford Park